Tuesday 26 April 2016

Marine Engineering

The three major aspects of Engineering in Maritime..

Naval Architecture, and Naval, Marine and Ocean Engineering are fast growing and dynamic fields with plentiful opportunities that are improving as people turn to the oceans for resources such as food, transportation and energy.
These engineers must be creative and visionary to see the potential to use transportation and the oceans effectively. Government, industry and academia are hungry for experts and researchers to develop new processes and systems to explore and travel the ocean with minimal or no danger to its habitat and environment. Marine structures, vessels and ocean systems are unique because only a small number of each design is built, they are very large and complex, and they operate in this environment.
Anything that operates in this environment has special design requirements relevant to sea-keeping, capsizing, station-keeping, and random motions and loads in a hostile environment. Due to this uniqueness, the manufacturing is often more challenging and expensive.
The impact of Naval Architecture, Marine and Ocean Engineering is far-reaching and greatly enhances our quality of life. For example:
---74% of the world’s trade is carried by ship.
---95% of the U.S. international trade is transported by ship.
---55% of the U.S. population lives within 50 miles of a coastline.
---60% of the U.S. energy is imported by ship.
Naval Engineering:
Naval engineers work on naval vessels. A naval vessel is one of the world’s largest and most complex engineered systems. It’s much more complicated to design a navy ship than almost any other form of transportation or structure. Not only is the ship critical to national defense but it has to move through the water similar to other boats and amphibious vehicles and enable a crew of hundreds to live aboard it for extended periods of time. Engineers in this field must always balance cost, new technology, hull design, materials and all of the systems aboard such as the weapons management, electronics, HV/AC, propulsion, ventilation, sleeping quarters, galley, head, etc. The real trick for the Naval Engineer is to pull all of these pieces together.

Naval architects are engineers who design all kinds of watercraft or anything that can be used as transportation on water. This may be a ship, boat, submarine, seaplane, icebreaker or offshore drilling platform. The vessels may be used for recreation, transportation, work or by the Navy and can be big or small. They may be powered by sails, nuclear power or some other propulsion system.
Marine environments can be hostile and unpredictable. One minute the seas are calm and the next can be a white knuckle ride as the waves pound the side of your boat or seagoing vessel. This unpredictability provides a challenging frontier for the naval architect.

Marine Engineering:

Naval architects may build the frame or structure of a boat but marine engineers are needed to design all of the internal power and machinery systems of the boat. Without marine engineers, the boat would have no engine, electronics, hydraulics, lighting, refrigeration, or controls. To be a good marine engineer, you must be very versatile, creative and open to learning. Marine engineering is an exciting career because every boat or ship is different and you will be responsible for every system on board. Almost every boat needs an engine, propeller, steering, transmission, pumps, electrical systems, etc. Marine engineers make it happen.
They know a lot about many different kinds of vessel systems and controls. They give millions of people the ability to have fun on jetskis, small sailboats, or vacation cruises as well as enabling the military to race across the oceans, clean oil spills or rescue other boaters in distress.

Ocean Engineering:

Every instrument, every device and every process in an ocean environment is the creation and responsibility of ocean engineers. The ocean environment is very corrosive, volatile and often unpredictable. Waves are never-ending and the devices or gear that are used to explore the environment must be able to withstand high winds, waves and salt-water. One of the great things about ocean engineering is that many different types of engineers can be a part of the solutions needed for ocean infrastructure, research and utilization.
Ocean engineering integrates disciplines such as materials science and mechanical, civil, computer, software, marine, chemical and electrical and electronics engineering. In addition to creating underwater robots (ROV’s), they also develop underwater structures, oil rigs, buoys for data collection, and they are hard at work developing ways to capture the energy of waves and turn it into electricity. city.
They develop transportation systems, plan new uses for waterways, design deep-water ports, and integrate the land and water transportation systems and methods. They are concerned with discovering, producing, and transporting offshore petroleum as well as developing new ways to protect marine wildlife and beaches.

Monday 18 April 2016

Master in Information Technology studies in the Philippines

Master in Information Technology (MIT) is a graduate program that enhances the skills of students in the design, implementation, and maintenance of IT-based solutions. The programs aims to upgrade the knowledge and skills of students in systems integration, systems administration, systems planning, systems implementation and other design and operation of Information Technology infrastructure.

The subjects integrated in the Master in Information Technology program are quite similar to the undergraduate level, with a few advanced subjects. However, when it comes to the course requirements, the master in information technology program is less demanding, since there are less exams, projects and assignments.

Why do I need a Master Degree in Information Technology?

A master’s degree in Information Technology main benefit is that it will enable you to apply to positions in academic institutions. Many colleges and universities require IT teachers to have a Master’s degree in IT, or use this credential as a basis to determine the employment status (contractual, temporary, permanent employees). If you are planning to work in the academe, a Master’s degree in IT is a great plus.

IT departments in most companies and organizations do not require a Master’s degree. As long as you have sufficient IT knowledge and work experience, most companies will be satisfied with an undergraduate degree in IT.

Subjects and Curriculum

The subjects in the Master in Information Technology curriculum are divided into four main categories:

    Core/Foundation Courses: Information System Theory and Practice, Computer Architecture and Operating Systems, Programming Languages and Data Structures, Advanced Organization of Database, Computer Information Networks, Statistic for Information Technology Research, Research Seminar 1 and 2
    Major Courses: Technology Infrastructure of Information System/Operating System, Enterprise Architecture Development/Software Engineering, Advanced Programming, Technical Service Management
    Electives: Network System Administration/Network Administration and Security, Wireless Network Administration, Information Security Administration/Mobile Technology, Data Warehouse Technology and Implementation Strategies, Database Administration, Client/Server Application Design, Project Management Information System, Strategic e-Business, Business Process Reengineering
    Software Project

The lessons in the MIT program are taught through classroom lectures, educational talks and seminars. To be able to graduate the Master in Information Technology degree, a student must also complete a software project.

What are the admission requirements for Master in Information Technology?

Requirements at each school may differ, but these are the common requirements:

    Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology, Information Systems, Computer Science or Computer Engineering: To be admitted in the MIT program, an applicant must hold one of the above mentioned bachelor’s degrees. However, an applicant with a different degree may still be admitted in the program as long as he/she takes the required prerequisite courses.

What skills, traits and attitude will help you succeed in this course?

    Technologically Savvy – interest in new technologies specifically in computers and software.
    Logical skills – to survive this course you need to have an advanced level of thinking which means that you are able to grasp concepts and lessons right away and you have the ability to put this into order such as when you are reading and writing computer codes.
    Analytical skills – unlike in the undergraduate level, studying masters is different because you will do most of the things that are supposed to be the job of your professors. From looking for relevant books, reading them and jotting down your thoughts and ideas. Because of this, you have to see the logical connections among concepts and be able to apply them in the practice of your profession.
    English skills – when you study masters the method of teaching is self-directed, there will be a lot of reporting and presentations so the ability to proficiently speak and write English and convey information is very important
    Active Listening – while graduate school practices self-directed learning, there will also be times when your professors will give very long lectures for consecutive days, this is to emphasize the most important lessons which cannot be solely studied by students. It is important that you listen carefully and ask questions because your professors will not discuss lessons again.
    Reading comprehension – most of the time, you will be left alone by your professors to read a lot of materials that you will have to understand on your own.
    Interpersonal skills – in your master’s class you will less likely be working alone because professors love to group students to perform certain activities. You will encounter classmates who come from different age groups and background thus it’s important to be able to maintain good working relationships and adapt to different kinds of attitude.
    Patience – long lecture hours will wear students down, it’s important to have the patience to withstand long hours of plain listening and taking down notes.
    Organization – there will be a lot of paper works when you study masters thus the ability to sort and arrange information in a systematic order is highly important

How difficult is Master in Information Technology?

The Master in Information Technology program is not particularly hard for those who studied BSIT. The program is more theoretical, with less practical exercises than the undergraduate IT program. The subjects are fewer and the class size is smaller, making it more convenient for students.

The most challenging part of the program is the software project. The creation of a software and manual is highly technical; the software must be efficiently made so that it is usable.

How long does it take to complete the MIT program in the Philippines?

The MIT program takes 2 years to complete.
Most students who enroll in the MIT program are already employed, and because of time restraints, the majority of graduates take more than two years to complete the degree.

Career Opportunities for Master in Information Technology graduates

The main purpose of an MIT degree is for career and professional advancement. A person who is a holder of this degree will be able to apply to more advanced positions in the information technology field. The following are some of the positions that graduates can apply to:

    Information Technology Instructor/Professors – responsible for providing the instructional program (teaching) in the Information Technology area and will also be responsible for course delivery and evaluation of each student.
    Computer Science Instructor/Professor – teach courses in computer science. May specialize in a field of computer science, such as the design and function of computers or operations and research analysis.
    Systems Analyst – designs new IT solutions to improve business efficiency and productivity; examine existing business models and flows of data, discuss their findings with the client, and design an appropriate improved IT solution.
    IT consultant – gathers needs and expectations of clients and work with a team to develop/adjust the business solution/system
    Project Manager – to lead team composed of analysts and programmers; liaise with other project managers
    Computer Scientist – work as theorist, researcher, or inventor in developing and advancing uses of virtual reality, extending human-computer interaction, or designing robots
    nformation Technology auditor – performs detailed evaluation and internal control and audit reviews of computer information systems. Develops and maintains audit software; consults with administrators, faculty, and staff on computer information systems operational issues.
    Information Technology manager – responsible for the computer systems within a company, overseeing installation, ensuring backup systems operate effectively, purchasing hardware and software
    Chief Information Officer – manage, organize and coordinate the development and maintenance of an organizations computer and telecommunication systems.
    Management information systems (MIS) directors – involved in managing an organization’s information technology (IT) activities, ensuring stability and smooth operation.
    ICT Business and Systems Analyst – evaluate and develop technology systems to help businesses run at optimal standards.

Source: finduniversity.ph

Tuesday 12 April 2016

BS in Architecture in the Philippines

The Bachelor of Science in Architecture (BSArch) is a 5-year college degree intended for people who wish to pursue a career in Architecture. Architectural education provides students with knowledge and skills in planning, designing and constructing buildings taking into account the principles of utility, strength and aesthetics.

The BS in Architecture curriculum comprises of CHED-mandated general education courses; technical subjects in Math, Science and Basic Engineering; and professional Architecture courses presented thru classroom lectures, laboratory classes and studio design activities.

Keeping abreast with the current trends in Architectural industry, most schools provide technologically upgraded studio facilities for the study of computer aided designs.

The BS in Architecture program in the Philippines is offered in ladder type curriculum:

The first three years put emphasis on providing opportunities for the students to draw and design with a sense of quality and technical expertise; to develop visual perception, and to understand construction as a means of communication of principles. Upon satisfactory completion of the prescribed courses at certain level, students will be granted Certifications for the technical skills acquired, such as Certificate in Drafting Technology; Certificate in Building Technology and Utilities; and Certificate in CADD.

The last two years are used to plan actual projects and explore the more detailed spatial and visual considerations and to gain knowledge in computer science as applied to Architecture. Special emphasis is given on the importance of research as evidenced by the thesis requirement for the course. Additionally, the knowledge and understanding of the ethical guidelines of the profession is a significant component of the program. (source)

Is Architecture a profession?

Architecture is a profession. A graduate of BS in Architecture who passed the Architecture Licensure Examination is called an Architect. An Architect is technically defined as a person professionally and academically qualified, registered and licensed under Republic Act No. 9266 with a Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card issued by the Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture and the Professional Regulation Commission.

What are the admission requirements for BSArchi?

Requirements at each school may differ, but these are the common requirements:

    Must be a high school graduate.

What skills will help you succeed in this course?

    Artistic talent and Drawing skills
    Technical Skills – the ability to accomplish mathematical, engineering, scientific or computerrelated duties
    Analytical skills – the ability to visualize, articulate, and solve problems.
    Basic Mathematical skills – the ability to solve and use different computational methods
    English skills – the ability to read, write and converse in English as most technical literature is in English.
    Interpersonal skills – will help you in studying together with classmates, doing group assignments and forming connections with friends and colleges.

How difficult is this course?
BS in Architecture is both interesting and challenging. Natural artistic talent plays a big part into it, as this profession requires a lot of drawing skills and creativity. Students are expected to draw extensively and build chipboard models or building prototypes. The course also requires numerical proficiency used for cost estimation, surveying, structural load and other mathematical computations. Production of the required drawing projects and presentation materials require lots of hard work, patience and careful attention to details. But since Architecture is not just a science but also an art, a passionate student who overcomes these challenges might really enjoy studying Architecture.

How long does it take to complete BS in Architecture in the Philippines?

Normally, the BSArchi takes 5 years to complete. Universities which go by the Trimester school calendar require less time to finish the course.

On The Job Training / Internship

CHED Memorandum Order no.61 mandates that Schools of Architecture shall have an active and organized program for on-the-job and diversified training for its students which shall include: assistance in organizing student employer interviews; maintenance of a job-available card file with an index of potential local employers; and if needed, assistance to employers, and fast transfer of students' academic transcripts to speed up the employment process.

Career opportunities for BSArchi graduates

    Jobs for licensed Architects

        Entry Level jobs
        Jobs requiring no prior to minimal level of experience:
            Junior Architect – works in a construction firm and are involved with designing new buildings, extensions or alterations to existing buildings, or advising on the restoration and conservation of old properties.
            Junior Design Architect – works under the senior design architect and helps in rendering and building proto-types to demonstrate design concepts
            Computer-Aided Design (CAD) or Computer-Aided Design and Draft (CADD) Architect – uses CAD systems application to create electronic versions of the technical drawings and design plans for buildings and machinery.
            Building Surveyors – often work on preventative measures to keep buildings in good condition and look to make buildings sustainable.

        Advanced Positions

        Require years of extensive experience and practice:
            Principal Architect – a licensed architect who owns an architecture firm or one who shares an ownership interest with the other architects in the firm.
            Architectural project manager – work closely with the construction project manager and coordinate the work of the design team and manage communication with the client. The issues of budget, scheduling, and quality-control are the responsibility of the Project Manager in an architect's office.
            Architectural Technologists are architectural specialists who turn the concept into reality in the completed construction. Concerned with the technical side of design, ensure that an attractive functional building performs successfully by making sure that the right materials are used and that building regulations are met.
            Building Conservation Officer – advises on and promotes the protection of the historic environment and, in particular, its long-term care, preservation and enhancement of enlisted buildings within conservation areas.
            Senior Design Architect – have experience in strategic master planning, and is responsible for managing assigned architecture projects, including development of concept drawings and designs, and meeting client expectations, while ensuring work is within project scope, meets the project schedule deadlines and is within budget.
            Architecture Researcher – researches, designs and develops solutions to highly complex and technical issues, designs system architecture, workflows, data flows and databases; recommends solutions to highly complex problems to provide technical direction on systems analysis, design, development and testing.
            Academician – architects who are faculty members, instructors, and professors in an institution that offers Architectural course

Source: finduniversity.ph

BSBA in Management in the Philippines

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Business Management (BSBA-M), also known as BSBA in Business Management, is a four year degree program designed to equip students with the concepts and principles of Business Management.

The BSBA in Management program teaches students operations and processes that occur within an organization such as procurement, logistics, quality control, project management, manufacturing and marketing.

The BSBA-M program is more specific compared to the generic BSBA curriculum, and focuses on the more authoritative aspects of business like planning business activities, organizing departments and employees, running departments, and generally managing an organization.

Subjects and Curriculum

The subjects in the BSBA-M curriculum are divided into five categories:

    General Education subjects:
    English, Math, Filipino, Social Sciences and Humanities
    Basic Business Core:
    Fundamentals of Accounting, Business Computer Application, Business Communication, Basic Finance, Principles of Management and Organization, Human Behavior in Organizations, Principles of Marketing
    Business Education Core:
    Microeconomics, Obligations and Contracts, Math of Investment, Human Resource Management, Total Quality Management, Principles of Taxation, Social Responsibility and Good Governance, Management Accounting, Entrepreneurial Management, Strategic Management, Financial Management
    Business Management Professional Subjects:
    Organizational Development, Production and Operations Management, Management Information System, International Business, Training and Development, Compensation Administration, Business Taxation, Labor Law and Legislation
    Elective Subjects:
    Students are given the choice between two of the following elective subjects: Retail Management, Professional Salesmanship, Marketing Research, Franchising, Sales, Agency, and Credit Transactions and E-commerce.

As of 2006, CHED has released a memorandum order prescribing additional elective subjects on Service Management for Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). Some of these subjects include Fundamentals of Business Outsourcing, Business Communication, Service Culture and Principles of Systems Thinking.

The BSBA-M program is mostly taught to students through classroom lectures. Students are also exposed to educational talks and seminars.

As a requirement for graduation, a student must complete two sets of On the Job Training (OJT) and accomplish a business plan or feasibility study.

Is Business Management a profession?

Business Management is not a profession. A graduate of this program will most likely be employed in establishments and companies to work as Office Personnel, Administrative Assistant, Inventory Assistant, Project Assistant/ Manager, Logistics Management Personnel, Stock Personnel and similar jobs. These careers are not considered professions because they do not require a specialized set of knowledge and skills, nor do they require a government certification.

What are the admission requirements for the BSBA in Management program?

Requirements at each school may differ, but these are the common requirements:

    Must be a high school graduate.

What skills, traits and attitude will help you succeed in this course?

    Problem-solving skills – the ability to identify, assess, create alternative solutions and solve the actual problem while continuously evaluating for outcomes.
    Computer Literacy – knowledge of computer use and being able to understand application programs.
    Communication skills – has excellent written and oral communication skills; a strong command of the English language is important because your work will involve dealing with different kinds of people.
    Interpersonal skills – establishes and maintains positive mutual working relationships with superiors, workmates and clients
    Decision making skills – the thought process of selecting a logical choice from the available options.
    Strategic thinking – involves the generation and application of unique business insights and opportunities intended to create competitive advantage for a firm or organization.
    Organization – the ability to establish priorities systematically, differentiating between urgent, important, and unimportant tasks.
    Time Management – able to divide time equally and accomplish tasks on time.

How difficult is BSBA in Management?

BSBA in Management is not a difficult course. While there are advanced subjects that involve mathematics like Calculus and Accounting, the majority of the subjects can be learned if you study hard enough. The workload for this course is reasonable; although you have two sets of on the job trainings (OJT), the number of hours required from these internships are minimal compared to other courses.

One of the challenges of this program is the requirement to complete a business plan/feasibility study. Unlike other undergraduate papers where you only have to choose a topic of interest, a feasibility study involves a more complex process. You need to find a proponent who has plans of creating a business and convince him/her to accept your services in studying whether the business is feasible or not.

How long does it take to complete the BSBA in Management program in the Philippines?

The BSBA in Management program takes four years to complete. The program may be completed in less than 4 years in schools that follow the trimestral curriculum.

On the Job Training (OJT)

Most Business schools in the Philippines who offer the BSBA-M program require their students to complete two sets of on the job trainings (OJT). The first OJT is called Practicum 1 or organization immersion and the second OJT is called Practicum 2 or Professional Internship. A student must choose a corporation in the manufacturing, marketing, service or other types of industries. The OJT programs are done under the supervision of a designated authority in the establishment/office which will evaluate the student periodically and submit the evaluation form to the assigned faculty member. The number of hours required for these OJT programs vary from one school to another.

Entry Level jobs
Jobs requiring no prior to minimal level of experience:
        Management Trainee – responsible for working alongside managers and accepting delegated responsibilities and duties with the goal of eventually becoming a manager
        Office Assistant – supports operations by maintaining budgets, facilities, records, equipment, and building services; completes special projects.
        Clerical Assistant – under direct supervision, performs a variety of clerical tasks in support of business operations within a department or division; and performs related duties as assigned.
        Stock Personnel/Controller – responsible for the flow of merchandise from the point of delivery to the sales floor or internal destination
        Company secretary – act as a point of communication between the board of directors and company shareholders, reporting in a timely and accurate manner on company procedures and developments.
        Warehouse Assistant – responsible in looking after the movement of sticks from the warehouse or inventory thereby keeping a close watch on the inflow and outflow of goods; also responsible for maintaining the required level of efficiency or safety while handling the movement of goods and keeps record of all these materials.
        Technical Staff – improve a company's operating systems and infrastructure by reviewing internal processes, mechanisms and procedures, test system efficiency on a regular basis and provide routine maintenance work to meet business requirements.
        Logistics Management Personnel – responsible for overseeing the inventory management process, defining departmental strategies for appropriate inventory levels, eliminating obsolete and off-spec material, and reduce aging material
        Personal Banker – offer products and services to banking customers, meeting both personal and branch set goals. A huge part of being a personal banker is attracting and maintaining both new and current customer relations.

Mid-Level Positions
Require trainings and prior job experience of a few years:
        Retail manager – ensure promotions are accurate and merchandised to the company’s standards, staff is fully versed on the target for the day and excellent customer care standards are met.
        Fast food restaurant manager – organizing stock and equipment, ordering supplies and overseeing building maintenance, cleanliness and security
        Administrative Assistant – creates and revises systems and procedures by analyzing operating practices, recordkeeping systems, forms control, office layout, and budgetary and personnel requirements; implementing changes.
        Human Resource Assistant – supports human resources processes by administering tests; scheduling appointments; conducting orientation; maintaining records and information.
        Executive Assistant – prepares correspondences, reports, presentations, and manages the executive's schedule.
        Training and Development Assistant – responsible for creating and implementing training programs and overseeing the development of careers; sets performance metrics, evaluates productivity, and helps workers create long-term career plans within an organization.
        Inventory Manager – responsible for ensuring that the organization has the right amount of stock to meet customer’s needs and also to avoid overstocking certain items, which ties up cash and storage resources
        Project Manager – responsible for the planning, management, co-ordination and financial control of a construction project
Advanced Positions
Require years of extensive experience and practice:
        Operations Manager – manage and increase the effectiveness and efficiency of Support Services (HR, IT and Finance), through improvements to each function as well as coordination and communication between support and business functions.
        Financial manager – responsible for providing financial advice and support to clients and colleagues to enable them to make sound business decisions
        Sales Manager – manage the sales administration function, operational performance reporting, streamlining processes and systems wherever possible, and advising senior management on maximizing business relationships and creating an environment where customer service can flourish.
        Health service manager – responsible for the strategic, financial and day-to-day running of hospital, general practitioner (GP) or community health services
        Business Development Manager – works to improve an organization’s market position and achieve financial growth; defines long-term organizational strategic goals, builds key customer relationships, identifies business opportunities, negotiates and closes business deals and maintains extensive knowledge of current market conditions.
        Business Management Consultant – help organizations to solve issues, create value, maximize growth and improve the business performance of their clients.
Entrepreneurial and Self-Employment Opportunities
        Entrepreneur Business Owner
Business Management Consultation firm owner
    Jobs not related to business management that graduates can apply to
        Call center agent – answers phone calls and inquiries of clients and provides customer support, usually to people from other countries
        Freelancer working online – doing online jobs for clients abroad, such as data entry, article writing, SEO, customer support, administrative support etc., which mainly depends on your skills
Source: finduniversity.ph

MS in Accountancy in the Philippines

The Master of Science in Accountancy program (MSA) enhances the knowledge and skills of accountancy graduates. The MSA program provides a venue for students to advance in accountancy firms, government agencies, municipalities and large corporations.

Admission requirements for the MS in Accountancy program in the Philippines

    Must have the original and photocopy of Bachelors Certificate And Transcript of Records
    Must have most recent medical and health record
    Must have a certificate of good moral character
    Must have a copy of the high school diploma

Duration of the MS in Accountancy program in the Philippines

The MSA program takes 2 years to complete.(Classes Are Majorly Weekends)

Subjects included in the MS in Accountancy program

    Government and Not-For-Profit Accounting and Auditing
    Advanced Financial Accounting Theory and Practice
    Contemporary Issues in Management Accounting
    Professional and Interpersonal Behavior Skills
    Advanced Accounting Information System
    Advanced Auditing Theory and Practice
    Thesis / Accounting Research Program
    Professional Communication Skills
    Management Information System
    International Accounting Practice
    Advanced Managerial Accounting
    Human Behavior in Organization
    Professional Accounting Practice
    Quantitative Business Analysis
    Accounting/Auditing Research
    Written Comprehensive Exam
    Business Law and Taxation
    Treasury Management
    Managerial Economics
    Methods of Research

What are the career opportunities for graduates of MS in Accountancy in the Philippines?

    Accounts Manager (Private Sector, Accounting Firms)
    Cost Accountant (Private Sector)
    Internal Auditor (Private Sector, Municipalities, Government Agencies)
    Payroll Manager (Private Sector, Municipalities, Government Agencies)
    Credit Controller (Private Sector, Financial Companies, Banks)
    Credit Analyst (Financial Companies, Banks)
    Tax Manager (Government Agencies)
    Audit Senior (Private Sector, Accounting Firms)
    Audit Manager (Private Sector, Accounting Firms)
    Bookkeeper (Private Sector)
    Academician (Academic Institutes)
    Researcher (Academic Institutes)


BS in Public Administration in the Philippines

Bachelor of Science in Public Administration (BSPA) is a four year degree program designed to provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in public sector management, policy development and labor relations. It also helps students understand the fundamentals of good governance and policy analysis.

The BSPA program centers on teaching topics like human capital management, fiscal administration, government budgeting and accounting, and program development. Its aim is to show students how to plan, implement and monitor human, material and resource management for government and civil society organizations.

Subjects and Curriculum

The subjects in the BSPA curriculum are divided into four main categories:

    General Education Courses: Language and Humanities Cluster, Mathematics, Computer and Natural Science Cluster, Social Sciences Cluster, Mandated Subjects
    Public Administration Courses: Introduction to Public Administration, Philippine Administrative Thought and Institutions, Ethics and Accountability in the Public Service, Governance and Development, Knowledge Management and ICT for Public Administration, Research Methods in Public Administration, Leadership and Decision Making, Local and Regional Governance, Public Personnel Administration, Human Behavior in Organization, Public Fiscal Administration, Public Accounting and Budgeting, Organization and Management, Office and Systems Management, Public Policy and Program Administration, Administrative Law, Politics and Administration, Special Topics for Public Administration
    Special Core: Basic Accounting, Elementary Statistics, Good Governance and Social Responsibility, Sociology or Psychology
    Electives: Salary Standardization, Government Auditing, Government Budgeting, Program Administration (Implementation), Public Enterprise, Policy Analysis, Project Development and Management, Voluntary Sector Management, Resource Management, Environmental Management, Globalization and Public Administration, Service Delivery System, Records and Property Management

The lessons in the BSPA program are taught to students through classroom lectures. From time to time, they are also required to attend seminars and educational talks related to current trends and information about public administration.

During the fourth year of the BSPA program students are required to complete a Research paper with topics concerning the practice of Public Administration. In consultation with a research adviser, the student must accomplish the research paper at the end of the school year. He/she will defend the research paper in front of a panel who will grade his/her work based on specific criteria.

Aside from the research paper, a student must also finish an on the job training (OJT) before being eligible for graduation.

Is Public Administration a profession?

Public Administration is not a profession. A graduate of this program may be employed in the local and national government units as well as in private and public corporations, to work in any administrative or managerial role. These careers are not considered professions because they do not require a specialized set of knowledge and skills, nor do they require a government certification.

What are the admission requirements for the BSPA program?

Requirements at each school may differ, but these are the common requirements:

    Must be a high school graduate.

What skills, traits and attitude will help you succeed in this course?

    Communication and writing skills – the ability to present your thoughts clearly and intelligently in oral and written statements
    Computer Literacy – knowledge of computer use and being able to understand application programs.
    Public speaking and presentation skills – comfortable in facing a large audience with an ability to prepare oral and written presentations and reports using current data and technology
    Management skills – the capability to identify priorities and proper courses of action, to plan the execution of tasks and to determine and delegate responsibilities to group members to most effectively carry out projects
    Basic mathematical skills
    Strategic thinking – the ability to interpret and analyze information presented by peers and efficiently and constructively support or challenge their proposals, theories, ideas and reports in order to achieve a project's intended and successful end result
    Data analysis skills – reading and understanding statistical reports and how to use the reports to make inferences and decisions

How difficult is BS in Public Administration?

BS in Public Administration is not a difficult course. Aside from the long lecture hours, case reports, assignments and projects the rest of the course is fairly easy. The workload and schedule for this program is not as heavy compared to other courses. Certain subjects may be challenging, for example special core subjects such as accounting and psychology.

The on the job training (OJT) for BS in Public Administration is easier than that of other courses because the number of hours to be complied is lower and the field work is quite easy. The most challenging part of this course is perhaps the completion of a research paper.

How long does it take to complete the BSPA program in the Philippines?

The BS in Public Administration program takes four years to complete. The program may be completed in less than 4 years in schools that follow the trimestral curriculum.

On the job training (OJT)

During the fourth year of the program, students are required to attend an On the Job Training (OJT) in local government units, non-profit agencies, policy and research organizations, private businesses, contracting and consulting firms, among others.

Students are given the opportunity to apply their knowledge and practice their skills in actual settings. They are required to submit a written report documenting the tasks, responsibilities, learning experiences, training and hours worked. The OJT is done under the supervision of designated authority in the institution/agency which will evaluate the student periodically and submit the evaluation form to the assigned faculty member.

The required number of hours for the OJT is 200 hours.

Career Opportunities for BS in Public Administration graduates

As mentioned earlier, BS in Public Administration is a general program that can lead to any administrative position, both in the public sector and in private corporations. The range of occupations you can apply to will include any job that does not require special technical skills. Passing the Civil Service Examination is a requirement for many public sector positions.

Source: finduniversity.ph

Monday 11 April 2016

BS in Aeronautical Engineering in the Philippine

BS in Aeronautical Engineering (BSAeroE) is a five year degree program designed to prepare students for becoming Aeronautical Engineers. The BS in Aeronautical Engineering program deals with the methods and principles of flight. It also covers engineering disciplines applied in research and development, manufacturing, operation, maintenance, repair, modification and inspection of aircrafts, spacecrafts and their components.

Subjects and Curriculum

The subjects in the BSAE curriculum are divided into two main categories:

    Technical Courses
        Mathematics: Advanced Algebra, Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry, Integral Calculus, Probability and Statistics
        Natural/Physical Sciences: General Chemistry, Physics
        Basic Engineering Sciences: Engineering Drawing, Computer Aided Drafting, Dynamics of Rigid Bodies, Engineering Management, Safety Management
        Allied Courses: Thermodynamics, Elementary Electrical Engineering, Basic Electronics
        Professional Courses: Aircraft materials and Processes, Airframe Construction and Repair, Aerodynamics, Aircraft Systems, Operations Engineering, Air Laws and Regulations, Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection, Aviation Safety, Aircraft Structure, Aircraft Design, Computer Aided Design (CAD)
        Technical Electives: Rocket Engines, Home Built Aircraft
    Non–Technical Courses
        Social Sciences: Social Science (1 to 4)
        Humanities: Humanities (1 to 3)
        Languages: English (1 to 3) , Filipino (1 and 2)
        Mandated Subject: Life and works of Rizal

The BSAeroE program makes use of several teaching methods. The five years of study are spent in classroom lectures, small group tutorials, field observations and hands-on laboratory sessions. In addition to this, students are also exposed to seminars and talks given by experts in the aerospace industry and even experience rides in a flight simulator.

Students are also exposed to an on the job training (OJT) in a duly recognized aeronautics or flight company; this is usually arranged by the school. It is done under the supervision of a senior aeronautical engineer in the firm and a faculty member. At the end of the OJT the student is evaluated for his/her performance.

As a requirement for graduation, students are required to accomplish a project feasibility study. Students are given the freedom to choose a study of interest that will help establish and improve air navigation facilities. The project ends when the student faces a committee to defend his/her work.

Is Aeronautical Engineering a profession?


Aeronautical Engineering is considered a profession.
The responsibilities of an Aeronautical Engineer include:

    Maintaining aircraft for full operation including making regular inspections, maintenance and servicing.
    Creating aircraft, components and support equipment.
    Supervising the assembly of airframes and the installation of engines, instruments and other equipment.
    Participating in flight test programs to measure take-off distances, rate of climb, stall speeds, maneuverability and landing capacities.
    Resolving issues that arise during the design, development and testing processes.
    Modifying designs to improve safety features or minimize fuel consumption and pollution.
    Working with teams, suppliers, clients and managers to agree budgets, timescales and specifications.
    Communicating technical and regulatory advice to clients, teams, suppliers and other professionals within the aerospace industry and presenting data to groups and individuals.

What are the admission requirements for the BS in Aeronautical Engineering program?

Requirements at each school may differ, but these are the common requirements:

    Must be a high school graduate.

What skills, traits and attitude will help you succeed in this course?

    Excellent Mathematical skills – math is the fundamental tool of aeronautical engineering, majority of subjects use both basic and complicated forms of mathematical equation therefore its very important to have strong foundation in mathematics
    Strong inclination to Physics – aeronautical engineering involves studying the movement of air over the structure of the aircraft, as well as the movement of all of the aircraft’s internal systems. As a result, different aspects of physics are of major importance to aeronautical engineering.
    Computer Knowledge – a wide knowledge on computers is critical to succeeding in the majority of engineering courses because much of the actual design work is done using computers.
    Technical skills – the knowledge and ability required to achieve specific tasks as well as other duties such as mathematical, engineering, scientific or computer-related tasks.
    Critical Thinking – the use of logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.
    Graphical skills – the ability to transform a design into an image
    Analytical skills – the ability to determine how a system should work and how changes in conditions, operations, and the environment will affect outcomes
    Problem solving skills – the ability to identify complex problems and review related information to develop and evaluate options and implement solutions.
    Organizational skills – the ability to prioritize and manage time to give equal attention to each task at hand
    Communication skills – the ability to effectively relay information both orally and in written form.

How difficult is BS in Aeronautical Engineering?

Aeronautical Engineering is considered one of the most difficult fields of engineering. It involves complex math and physics topics. You’ll need to be highly competent in mathematics and physics so expect your competency in these two subjects to be rigorously tested. The BSAeroE program also demands intensive use of computers; those who have minimal computer skills will most likely find it hard to keep up. The workload in this program is quite demanding as well, you will be out in the field most of the time doing hands on practicum exams and also have constant examinations inside the classroom.

The Aeronautical Engineering Board Exam is also considered to be one of the most difficult board examinations in the Philippines.

How long does it take to complete the BSAeroE program in the Philippines?

The BSAeroE program takes five years to complete. The program may be completed in less than 5 years in schools that follow the trimestral curriculum.

Aeronautical Engineering Practice (OJT)

During the summer of the fourth year, the student is required to attend an on the job training (OJT) in an aeronautical company or firm. Students are given the opportunity to apply their knowledge and practice their skills in actual settings. The on the job training program is done under the supervision of a faculty member as well as a designated authority in the company. The length of the OJT is 420 hours (see source).

Career opportunities for BS in Aeronautical Engineering graduates

    Jobs for Licensed Aeronautical Engineers (board exam passers)

        Surveillance Aircraft Operators in the Military – operate survey equipment to determine accurate locations and directions for artillery units as well as differential positioning systems, including GPS, and distance measuring equipment
        Aircraft Interior Engineer – involved in the design or renovation of internal spaces, including structural alterations, furnishings, fixtures and fittings, lighting and colour schemes of an aircraft.
        Aircraft Structural Engineer – designs structures to withstand stresses and pressures, such as weather and human use in an aircraft or a space satellite. They ensure that structures and systems inside aircrafts remain strong and secure throughout their use.
        Aircraft Manufacturing Engineer – have a high level of technical expertise and skill, which they use to plan, design, set up, modify, optimize and monitor manufacturing processes.
        Aircraft Maintenance Engineer – installs, maintain and repair aircraft engines; airframes; airframe systems; electrical, instrument and radio systems; and aircraft structures and surface finishes.
        Aeronautical Engineering Professor – teaches aeronautical engineering in a College or University
        Aircraft System Engineer – develops aircraft sketches, drafts and designs
        Aircraft Design Engineer – performs engineering duties in designing, constructing, and testing aircraft, missiles, and spacecraft. May conduct basic and applied research to evaluate adaptability of materials and equipment to aircraft design and manufacture.
        Aircraft Power Plant Engineer – responsible for supervising, inspecting and performing maintenance on aircraft turbine engines and components.
        Aircraft Tooling Engineer – plans, directs and coordinates tooling used to manufacture and modify the aircraft as well as develop, evaluate, and improve manufacturing methods, materials and parts, fabrication processes, tooling, production equipment capabilities, assembly methods, staff allocation, and quality control standards.
        Aeronautical Engineering Consultant – provide consulting services on behalf of a private employer or he can be self-employed. Engineering consultants may also work with federal, state and local governments.
        Chief Aeronautical Engineer – responsible for the technical management and oversight of aeronautical engineering activities that they are assigned to. The Chief Engineer will ensure compliance to customer; regulatory and client’s requirements and procedures.
        Sector Operational Manager – maintain the airline’s published schedule by ensuring that the on-time arrival and departure rates are within acceptable limits for the prevalent external conditions.
        Head of Line Maintenance – manage, organize and lead the Station Engineers and staff at the stations located around the network to deliver aircraft maintenance in an efficient, effective and safe manner.

    Jobs for Non Board Passers:

        Aircraft Mechanic – maintains and repair the avionic and mechanical equipment needed to make planes and helicopters operate safely.
        Ground Radio Operator – maintain reliable operation of radio communication equipment and prepare, transmit, and record messages for ground forces
        Production Schedulers – covers the planning, scheduling, releasing, and tracking of workflow from the engineering department and the manufacturing department.
        Aircraft fueler – responsible for overseeing that all aircrafts are serviced with fuel; additionally, automotive and ground support equipment is serviced. They are also trained to handle non-routine situations, such as defueling and fueling aircraft with inoperative fuel quantity indicators.
        Simulator Technician – responsible for the performance of maintenance and reliability tests on the equipment that is used to calibrate aero and space craft; works under the direction of a supervising senior technician
        Technical Data Manager – provides info/data support to customers, representatives, airlines and government agencies, maintains all engineering files (production, project, specs, drawings, microfilm, etc. and prepares reports
        Mechanical Fitter – sets up, adjusts and inspects metalworking and pipe working machines and equipment.
        Aviation Support Equipment Technician – operate, maintain, repair and test automotive electrical systems in ground equipment, gasoline and diesel systems, and associated automotive, hydraulic and pneumatic systems. They also maintain gas turbine compressor units, ground air-conditioning units, perform metal fabrication, repair and painting of tow tractors and other aircraft servicing units.
        Aviation Records Supervisor – keeps logs and records in the maintenance department of an aviation company.
        Crew Chief Aircraft Mechanic Technician – lead, direct and support a group of maintenance Technicians and act as duty senior maintenance representative in the absence of Supervision.

    Salary Levels

    Generally speaking, salaries for licensed Aeronautical Engineers are high compared to the average salary in the Philippines. The salary levels for Aeronautical Engineers depend on work experience, position and whether they are working in the private or public sector.

source: http://www.finduniversity.ph/majors/bs-in-aeronautical-engineering-philippines/

BS in Criminology in the Philippines

BS in Criminology in the Philippines

The Bachelor of Science in Criminology or Criminal Justice is a a 4-year college degree program intended for individuals who wish to have a career in the fields of law enforcement, security administration, crime detection and prevention or correctional administration.
The BS in Criminology program aims to foster the values of leadership, integrity, accountability and responsibility while serving fellowmen, community and the country. The course is comprised of CHED mandated general education subjects, profession-related courses and 2-phase practicum. BSCrim students will learn various theories, policies, practices and laws associated with criminal behavior and the methods applied to manage such deviant activities.
Subjects in this course include Police Photography, Ballistics, Forensic Science, Toxicology, Polygraphy and Legal Medicine. The course also offers special Physical Education classes which include Martial Arts, First Aid, Survival Training, Marksmanship and Combat Shooting. 

Is Criminology a profession?

Criminology is a profession. A graduate of BS in Criminology who passed the Criminologist Licensure Examination is called a Criminologist. A Criminologists job includes practice in the field of Law Enforcement as an agent, adviser or administrator; as a Technician in dactyloscopy, ballistics and other scientific aspects of crime detection; as an officer in any correctional and penal institution; as a counselor in various agencies such as those involved in criminal research or public welfare; or as a teacher / instructor of Criminology subjects in universities. 

What are the admission requirements for B.S. Crim.?

Requirements at each school may differ, but these are the common requirements:
Must be a high school graduate.

What skills will help you succeed in this course?

BS Criminology does not require any special skills, except general skills helpful for any course:
Organization and time management skills – being able to establish priorities and schedules for studies or review, rest and social period
Interpersonal skills – being able to get along and work well with peers and classmates. It helps to have study groups to assist you in understanding and remembering lessons.
Communication skills – oral and written ability in English and in vernacular specially when making investigative and technical reports, feasibility studies and project presentation in classroom
Problem-solving abilities – being able to weigh the consequence of every situation presented and apply a reasonable solution

How difficult is this course?

Many students would classify this field of study as interesting and not difficult at all. The course includes several intriguing subjects such as forensic, criminal phsycology, human behavior and crisis management, criminal investigation, accidents investigation, arson, crime organizations, drugs, criminal procedures, defense tactics and more. Even the 2-phased Practicum is highly anticipated by the graduating students due to its social relevance. 

How long does it take to complete BS in Criminology in the Philippines?

Normally, the BS Crim. program takes 4 years to complete. Some schools who apply the trimesteral system do the program in shorter period of time. 

On the job training / internship takes 1 semester or 540 hours. 

On The Job training / Internship

As mandated by CHED (CMO no.37 series of 2010) BS in Criminology students are required to take Practicum for 1 semester on the fourth year of the program. The Practicum shall be divided in two components, 270 hrs of on-the-job training and another 270 hrs. of Community Immersion, to complete the 540 hrs of internship. 

The Practicum is designed to provide practical experiences for BS Crim. students working in the 5 pillars of the Criminal Justice System: Law Enforcement, Prosecution, Judiciary, Corrections and the Community. During this period, the criminology interns are allowed to observe and assist, but not to perform actual operations that may compromise their safety. Interns are expected to keep the informations learned during the practicum confidential. 


BS in Criminilogy major in Police Administration – focuses on on basic management functions applied to the police organization. This includes organizational structure and administration of the Philippine National Police, both at the national and the local levels.
BS in Criminology major in Criminal Justice Administration – focuses on the Law enforcement management of activities such as detection, apprehension, detention, pretrial release, post-trial release, prosecution, adjudication, correctional supervision, or rehabilitation of accused persons or criminal offenders or the collection, storage, and dissemination of criminal history record information.
BS in Criminology with Forensic – concentrates on the application of a broad spectrum of sciences and technologies to investigate and establish facts of interest in relation to criminal or civil law.
BS in Criminology major in Jail Management and Penology – is a branch of Criminal Justice study that focuses on the management of prisons and jails for the rehabilitation of convicts and criminals in an attempt to maintain and ensure public safety.

Jobs for licensed Criminologists

Entry Level jobs Jobs requiring no prior to minimal level of experience:
Police Patrol Officers – Patrol assigned area to enforce laws and ordinances, regulate traffic, control crowds, prevent crime, and arrest violators
Forensic Photographers – Photographs accidents and crime scenes for use as evidence in court.
Court Peace Officer – provides security and order within the premises of the court house
Discipline Officer – staff member who has been appointed and trained to adjudicate alleged violations, counsels and facilitates conducts investigation, surveillance and interview report
Mid-Level Positions Require trainings and prior job experience of a few years:
Investigator / Paralegal Officer – In charge of data gathering, investigation and surveillance, and build up of cases of abuse/exploitation. Assists the lawyer in preparing affidavits, follow up and update of cases.
Dactylographer or Dactyloscopy Technician – the person who study fingerprints for purposes of identification
Polygraph Examiners (Lie Detector Operators) – conducts interviews with crime witnesses, criminal suspects and others to determine whether they are being truthful regarding specific questions asked by the examiner.
Forensic Science Technicians – help solve crimes by collecting and interpreting evidence from crime scenes. They use sophisticated technology to analyze fiber, hair, weapons and bodily fluids.
Forensic Document Examiners (FDEs) – help lawyers by examining and offering written opinions on a variety of disputed document problems including: wills, deeds, medical records, income tax records, time sheets, contracts, loan agreements, election petitions, checks, and anonymous letters.
Fraud Investigator – Investigates cases of fraud involving use of charge cards reported lost or stolen, cash refunds, and nonexistent accounts in retail stores: Receives information from credit, sales, and collection departments regarding suspected fraud cases. Interviews store personnel, and observes and questions suspected customers to obtain evidence
Court Deputy – Supervises and coordinates activities of court peace officers engaged in providing security and maintaining order within individual courtrooms and throughout courthouse.
Security Guard Dispatcher – send out security personnel to client's site for private, protective-service, notifies guards of work assignments. Compiles and records data for dispatch, payroll, billings, and personnel records.
Academician – professor, instructor or teacher for Criminology subjects in any university, college or school.

Advanced Positions Require years of extensive experience and practice:

Chief of Police Department – top official in the chain of command of a police department
Head Correction Officer – Supervises activities of Correction Officers and issues duty assignments. Directs release or transfer of prisoners based on court order instructions. Maintains prison records and reports.
Chief Security Guard – Supervises and coordinates activities of security force of establishment, such as industrial plant, department store, or museum.
Chief Deputy Sheriff – Directs and coordinates activities, work assignments and deployment of human resources in patrol division and transmits orders to subordinate officers for execution. Supervises investigations of narcotics traffic and auto theft, evaluates progress with investigators, and plans actions, such as raids, surveillance, or arrests.
Armored Transport Service Manager – Plans, directs, and coordinates activities of personnel engaged in providing armored car services
Identification and Communications Supervisor – supervises designs and installs criminal identification filing systems, such as fingerprint, photograph, modus operandi and name, criminal-wanted and crimes reported files, to facilitate information retrieval.

source: http://www.finduniversity.ph/majors/bs-in-criminology-philippines/